Our clients’ success stories
A successful sale also means a successful purchase. Three parties benefit from a successful transaction, namely the seller, the buyer and us in our contribution to your success. Our customers’ success is also our success.
Recent successies
Here you will find a small selection of recent sales or apartments that have been let.
3 room-apartments
Salzburg-Leopoldskron -
Rental properties
Haslach-Elsbethen -
Rental properties
Salzburg-Nonntal -
Rental properties
Salzburg-Maxglan -
Rental properties
Salzburg-Parsch -
Doppel- / Reihenhäuser
Salzburg-Herrnau -
Detached houses / Villas
Salzburg-Gneis -
4-5 room apartments
Seekirchen am Wallersee -
4-5 room apartments
Golling bei Salzburg -
4-5 room apartments